California Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

Attention: The PFT participation rate data is ONLY submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) in the School Accountability Report Card (SARC), due annually by February 1. SARCs are one year in arrears, therefore, submit your current school year PFT participation rate data to your LEA Main Authorizer for the next year’s SARC. Contact your LEA to find out who is your LEA Main Authorizer.

The Help Center provides answers to frequently asked questions about the PFT including retrieving your password, how to report PFT data and the Coordinator Designation process.
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Questions and Answers

For answers to questions not listed here and access to other important information and resources, download the PFT Coordinator Manual available on the PFT Resources page.


Why does California have a Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

By law (California Education Code Section 60800), all public local educational agencies in California are required to administer the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) annually to all students in grades five, seven, and nine. The PFT provides information that can be used by (1) students to assess levels of health-related fitness and to plan personal fitness programs; (2) teachers to design the curriculum for physical education programs; (3) parents and guardians to understand their child’s fitness levels; and (4) by teachers, parents, and guardians to monitor changes in the student's fitness levels.

What is the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

The State Board of Education designated the FITNESSGRAM as the PFT for students in California public schools. The FITNESSGRAM is a comprehensive, health-related physical fitness battery developed by The Cooper Institute. The primary goal of the FITNESSGRAM is to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity.

What fitness areas are tested? What test options are available for each fitness area?

The FITNESSGRAM is composed of the following five fitness areas, with multiple test options provided for most areas.
  • Aerobic Capacity
    • 20-Meter PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
    • One-Mile Run
    • One-Mile Walk
  • Abdominal Strength and Endurance
    • Curl-Up
  • Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
    • Trunk Lift
  • Upper Body Strength and Endurance
    • Push-Up
    • Modified Pull-Up
    • Flexed-Arm Hang
  • Flexibility
    • Back-Saver Sit and Reach
    • Shoulder Stretch

What are the criteria for each fitness area?

The FITNESSGRAM uses objective criteria to evaluate performance for each fitness area (e.g., aerobic capacity, abdominal strength and endurance). The Cooper Institute established these criteria using current research and expert opinions. These criteria represent a level of fitness that offers some protection against the diseases associated with physical inactivity. You can find additional information about the criteria and how they were established in the FITNESSGRAM Reference Guide available on The Cooper Institute web page.


Whom should I contact with questions about Physical Fitness Test (PFT) data submission or passwords?

If you forgot your PFT password, you may request it be resent to the PFT Coordinator by selecting the Forgot Your Password link in the District Portal box of the California PFT website. For other questions about PFT passwords or the data submission process, contact the state contractor, the San Joaquin County Office of Education PFT Help Desk.

Whom should I contact with questions about Physical Fitness Test (PFT) test administration or policies?

For PFT administration or policy questions, contact the California Department of Education Physical Fitness Testing Office by e-mail at or by phone at 916-445-9449.


We are a new local educational agency (LEA). How do we obtain a password to log on to the Secure District Portal?

A new LEA must submit a coordinator designation form to obtain a password. A link to the current year PFT Coordinator Designation form can be found on the California PFT website.

Select this link and then enter the County Code, District Code, and Charter Number for your LEA. Select the Search button. On the next screen, review and complete the information required on the designation form. When you are done, select the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page. A link to the information submitted on the form is then e-mailed to the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator for approval. Once the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator approves the coordinator designation information, your login information, including a password, will be e-mailed to the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator, PFT Coordinator, and Alternate PFT Coordinator (if one has been provided).

How can I retrieve my password to log on to the District Portal?

If you are missing your PFT password, go to the California PFT website. Select the Forgot Your Password link in the District Portal box. Fill in the County Code, District Code, and Charter Number for your LEA. (School districts and county offices of education use four zeros [i.e., “0000”] for the Charter Number.) Next, select the link to request a password. The password and login information will be sent to the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator, PFT Coordinator, and Alternate PFT Coordinator listed on the designation form for your LEA.

Updating LEA Information

How can I find the County Code, District Code, and Charter Number needed to complete the coordinator designation form and log on to the District Portal?

If you forgot your County and District Code you can look up this information on the CDE California School Directory webpage. The four-digit Charter Number for an independent charter school can also be found on the CDE California School Directory Web page or on the CDE Charter School Database. School districts and county offices of education use four zeros (i.e., “0000”) for the Charter Number.

Our school has had a name change, how do I get the name updated?

School name changes must be made in the CA School Directory. Work with the CDS Coordinator at your school to get your school information updated in the CA School Directory.

Our School District is missing two charter schools that should be listed under our LEA for California Physical Fitness Testing, how do I get them added?

To get missing charter schools added, email Include the school names, CDS code and district name in your email.

Coordinator Designation

How do we update the contact information for our LEA and obtain login information for the secure District Portal if we have a change in Superintendent or Charter School Administrator, PFT Coordinator, or Alternate PFT Coordinator?

If you have a change in any of your coordinator designation form information, you must resubmit a new coordinator designation form. Instructions for how to complete the coordinator designation can be found on the Quick Reference Guide: how To Complete the Coordinator Designation Form. Once the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator approves the new coordinator designation information, the new login information, including a password, will be e-mailed to the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator, PFT Coordinator, and Alternate PFT Coordinator (if one has been provided).

Our LEA has an Interim Superintendent or Charter School Administrator who is not indicated on the California School Directory. What do we need to do to submit our PFT Coordinator Designation form and ensure the PFT password is not deactivated?

The Superintendent or Charter School Administrator provided on the online PFT Coordinator designation form must match the Superintendent or Charter School Administrator for the LEA, as identified on the CDE California School Directory web page. If the information does not match, even for interim superintendents and charter school administrators, the password will be deactivated until the LEA updates this information on the California School Directory. Once the interim position is finalized, this information will need to be updated again on the California School Directory, and you will need to resubmit the online PFT coordinator designation form.

Do I need to designate a Coordinator for a District that is only for Kindergarten through grade 3 and they do not participate in any PFT testing?

The PFT is for students in grades 5, 7 and 9. Since your school does not serve students in these grades, you do not need to designate a PFT Coordinator. You should contact and let them know you are a zero enrollment LEA.

A number of our schools didn't receive an email to set up a PFT Coordinator because the California School Directory is not updated. Is that something you can support us with or do I need to contact CDS?

Work with the CDS Coordinator at your school to get your school information updated in the CA School Directory. The PFT information is extracted from the CA School Directory.

PFT Administration

Who takes the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

All California public school students in grades five, seven, and nine are required to take the PFT, whether or not they are enrolled in a physical education class or participate in a block schedule. These students include those enrolled in elementary, high, and unified school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools. Students in alternate programs, including, but not limited to, continuation schools, independent study, community day schools, and county community schools must also take the PFT. Students who are physically unable to participate in the entire PFT should complete as many of the tests as possible.

When is the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) given?

The designated testing window for administering the PFT to students in grades five, seven, and nine is February 1 through May 31 (California EC Section 60800). The test may not be administered outside of this window. (Note: The PFT window does not apply to students who may be given the FITNESSGRAM in grades ten or higher to determine exemption eligibility.) Local educational agencies seeking flexibility in the statutory time requirements due to block scheduling (e.g., 400 minutes of physical education every 10 school days) may be permitted to administer the PFT outside of this window after obtaining a waiver from the State Board of Education (SBE). Information on this waiver policy is available on the California Department of Education Waivers web page.

Who can administer the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

The PFT shall be administered and scored by employees of the LEA (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1043). For purposes of the PFT, students may not administer the tests to each other, and parents or guardians may not administer or help with the administration of the PFT to students.

How can schools best prepare students for the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

Students should be instructed in basic concepts of fitness development and maintenance in the required physical education program. (The required physical education program consists of 200 minutes every 10 school days for grades one through six, and 400 minutes every 10 school days for students in grades seven through twelve [California Education Code sections 51210 and 51222].) Physical fitness instruction should include explanations of each fitness area and its relationship to good health as well as specific physical activities that improve or maintain each of the components of health-related fitness. Further, teachers should provide students opportunities to participate in vigorous physical activity and exercise throughout the school day and in physical education classes. Because conditioning prior to testing is important to the safe administration of the PFT, adequate time should also be allowed for students to learn about how each fitness-area test is administered and to engage in practice sessions.

Can students complete more than one test option for each fitness area?

Multiple test options are provided for most fitness areas so that all students, including those with disabilities, have the maximum opportunity to participate in the tests. The teacher or the student may select the test to be counted for each fitness area. Only one test for each fitness area should be reported. It is not necessary for all students within a school or all schools within a local educational agency to select or use the same test option for a fitness area.

Must students finish the mile or just start to count as participating? Are there minimum requirements for each component of the test to count as participating?

What constitutes participation is a local decision.

Are make-ups allowed for students who are absent on a particular day of testing?

Yes. Schools should provide make-up opportunities for students who are absent on testing days; however, all make-ups need to take place within the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) administration window (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1043).

Are students who repeat a grade required to re-take the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

Yes. Students repeating grade five, seven, or nine, are required to re-take the PFT.

Can students be excused from the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

The general opt-out provision of California Education Code Section 60615 does not apply to the PFT. There are a limited number of allowable reasons for not participating in parts or all of the PFT (e.g., medical excuse, student with disabilities); therefore, most students cannot be excused from the PFT.

May the PFT be administered virtually?

There are no provisions within the law, or the PFT Test Administration Manual, that allows LEAs to administer the PFT virtually. Therefore, it must be completed by the student in person.

What is done to assist students with disabilities on the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

Certain variations or accommodations may be provided for students with disabilities who need special assistance on the PFT. Matrix 1. Matrix of Test Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications for Administration of California Statewide Assessments provides a list of the types of variations and accommodations that are available for the PFT. This matrix is available on the California Department of Education Student Testing web page. Teachers of students needing accommodations or modifications for the PFT, which are not listed on this matrix, should contact the Physical Fitness Testing Office by phone at 916-445-2766 or by e-mail at Any accommodations or modifications should be specified in the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan.

What is the process for making decisions about accommodations for students with disabilities?

The individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan team is responsible for deciding how students with disabilities will participate in the PFT. Students with disabilities should be given as much of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) as conditions permit, which means they may end up being partially tested.

Does a student need to disclose their gender to the test administrator?

For the purpose of the 2021-22 PFT Administration, gender, height, weight, and age are not to be collected.

Do you have a list of vendors that help collect CA PFT data for submission.

The CDE is unable to make vendor recommendations.

PFT Data

Where should the LEA send the data from the PFT administration?

The LEAs are only required to submit participation percentages for each component, by grade, to the School Accountability Report Card (SARC).

What PFT data is required for the 2021-22 SARC?

Participation data is required to be reported in the SARC. Participation rates are calculated for each fitness area and grade level. For each grade level and fitness area, the participation rate equals the number of students who participated in each of the fitness areas divided by the total number of students enrolled in each grade level at the time of testing.

How do I calculate the participation rate for each area?

Number of Students Who Participated in the FITNESSGRAM Component
divided by
Number of Students Enrolled in the Grade Level at the Time of Testing
multiplied by 100 equals
Participation Rate (percentage of students rounded to the nearest tenth)

Is there a template for my PFT testing data?

You can gather individual student data on the PFT Data Collection Form at How LEAs choose to collect this information centrally is a local decision.

What do I do with student scores for each area of the PFT?

Per Education Code 60800: Pupils shall be provided with their individual results after completing the physical performance testing. The test results may be provided orally or in writing. How the LEA manages or reports student scores to students and families is a local decision.

Is there the 95% participation rate requirement for the PFT?

Per Education Code 60800: The physical performance test designated by the state board shall be administered to each pupil in grades five, seven, and nine. Each pupil with a physical disability and each pupil who is physically unable to take all of the physical performance test shall be given as much of the test as his or her condition will permit.

Am I required to report for an NPS school?

Pursuant to Chapter 914, Statutes of 2004 (Assembly Bill 1858), all nonpublic, nonsectarian schools are required to prepare a SARC in accordance with EC Section 33126. This requirement applies to nonpublic, nonsectarian schools but does not apply to nonpublic, nonsectarian agencies.

How can the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) results be used?

The PFT results can be used in several ways. Schools can use them to determine the fitness levels of their students and to provide direction for curricular plans. Students can be encouraged to use the results to develop personal fitness programs of maintenance or improvement. Parents and guardians can use the results to help their child plan fitness activities matched to their individual needs. Since the PFT is given annually, schools and local educational agencies can also use the results to monitor changes in the fitness status of students. PFT results should always be reviewed and used to make decisions in conjunction with other information related to physical performance and physical education curriculum.

What are inappropriate uses of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) participation test results?

The PFT participation results should not be used as the sole basis to evaluate individual students in physical education (e.g., grading), teacher effectiveness (e.g., teacher evaluations), or the overall quality of a physical education program.

Do the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) participation results appear on student transcripts?

There is no requirement to include PFT participation results on student transcripts.

Is there a requirement to keep the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) participation results in student permanent records?

Yes. Schools should keep the PFT participation results in student cumulative records or files (See California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1044).

Do the requirements outlined in California Ed Code (EC) Section 51241(b)(1) still apply to students in high school?

A local educational agency (LEA) may offer the “EC 51241(b)(1) exemption” if the LEA collects the data and completes the formulas necessary for the Body Composition and Aerobic Compacity components. These additional efforts are not required nor are they supported by the CDE during this PFT administration. The CDE encourages LEAs to use the remaining exemptions in EC 51241 and EC 51242 for students seeking to be exempted from high school physical education requirements. Also remember that students in 2018–19 and 2019–20 did not take the PFT because of the [COVID] suspension of the PFT and thus do not have access to the “EC 51241(b)(1) exemption”.

What is the CDE's recommendation to unified and high school districts on how they can best be compliant with this year's PFT testing and still meet the requirements outlined in section 51241(b)(1) of the California Education Code?

The CDE does not have a recommendation on how a LEA may best be compliant with EC 51241(b)(1). The CDE recommends that LEAs complete the PFT as prescribed and advise students that the exemptions in EC 51241 and EC 51242 are still available if that student wants to request an exemption from physical education.

Is there an awards program for the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)?

No. California does not offer an awards program for the PFT.


When is the SARC Due?

Since SARCs must be prepared and disseminated before the end of each school year to comply with the law, schools/LEAs must prepare and make available their new SARCs no later than February 1 of each year.

How do we submit PFT data to the SARC?

Work with the individual at your school/district that is responsible for submitting the SARC. For questions contact the SARC TEAM | | 916-319-0406

Do we report passing scores to the SARC?

Participation rates are calculated for each fitness area and grade level. Refer to the SARC website for details on reporting PFT data in the SARC. School Accountability Report Card (SARC) (California Department of Education)

Who may I contact to assist me with directions on how to send the PFT data to the SARC?

For questions about submitting the SARC, contact the SARC team by email at or by phone at 916-319-0406.